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Oil Grease Remover HD

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Item Code: RXSOL-16-1096-025

It is a unique formulation blended from inorganic, organic compounds and detergents with powerful dispersing agents. Readily soluble in water in all proportions. It is non-corrosive to metal like copper, aluminium, mild steel and plastic. It is non-toxic which makes handling easy. Complete removal of dirt, oil, carbonised grease, heavy oil , gum, vegetable oil, lube oil, soot, asphalt, carbon stains etc. Gives clear finish to the surface. Excellent for us as a wash for fuel tankers & as a liquid steam jenny compound .

Other Valuable Product1)Cool Treat 210 Ltrs-Cooltreat is an organic liquid corrosion inhibitor with extended life for use in closed cooling water systems. This product offers protection for all commonly used materials in engine cooling water systems, including aluminum. Unlike other coolants, Cooltreat does not contain components subject to rapid depletion i.e. Nitrite and Silicate. Based on aliphatic acid technology Cooltreat is stable and hence the test frequency can be reduced. Cooltreat is fully organic and biodegradable..Part No.RXSOL-40-4012-2102)Hardness Phosphate Control 25 Kgs-A precipitant designed to elimate scale deposits and lower the hardness of water in boilers with working pressure up to 60 bars.It is used in conjunction with alkaline liquid to prevent calcium scale deposits. Both products are used in our standard boiler water treatment programs for low-pressure boiler systems (0-32 bar) and medium-pressure steam propulsion vessels (32-60 bar).Part No.RXSOL-50-5006-0253)Degreaser Non Butyl -Non Butyl Degreaser Concentrate is solvent free cleaner and degreaser with powerful detergents and surfactants .part no:RXSOL-10-1737-0254)Lithium Grease- Lithium MP Greases are smooth textured, premium quality lithium based greases available in all consistency ranges from NLGI 00 to 4 for various automotive and industrial applications.part no:RXSOL-92-9001-0055)Long Run Grease- part no:RXSOL-92-9002-0056)Calcium Grease- part no:RXSOL-92-9003-0057)Hardness Control Liquid -Liquid product used for the reduction of hardness in boilers. Hardness Control is highly soluble in water and It will precipitate calcium hardness as a non-adherent sludge.part no: RXSOL-50-5021-0258)Moly Grease- part no:RXSOL-92-9004-0059)Bearing Grease for Wheel- part no:RXSOL-92-9005-00510)Hand Cleaner Paste Waterless 1 Kg X 20 No- It is a milky white creamy gel containing natural ingredients, moisturisers, surfactants, and powerful dispersing agents. This is a batter substitute to petroleum products & caustic based detergetns which drain the body oil. ONLY 2 TO 5 grams SUFFICIENT t.part no:RXSOL-16-1001-02011)Wire Rope Lubricant- It is a unique light-bodies wire rope lubricant and protector.part no:RXSOL-92-9007-02512)Penetrosol Penetrating Oil- Penetrating Oil A very strong cleaner, which can be used to soften up / remove baked on drying oils and Hard coke asphaltic deposition etc. It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter .part no:RXSOL-16-1020-02513) Razor Wire ( Chemically Treated ) -part no:RXSOL-65-6503-03014)Oil Spill Dispersant Type-I 25 Ltrs- Bio-degradable Emulsifier and low aromatic based product with excellent efficiency and low toxicity with superior penetration. This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by which subsequent dispersion takes place. APPLICATION :Opart no: RXSOL-17-1012-025

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  • Place of Origin : Not Given
  • FOB Price : On Request
  • Minimum Order Quantity : Not Given
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  • Packaging & Delivery
  • Packaging Detail : Packaging Details: packing 5,10,20,25,21015)Oil Spill Absorbent Pad-part no:RXSOL-17-1014-100 16)M Oil moya-Non Caustic/Non Alkali based & does not require any special extra precaution, It is so easy & efficient to use that it is much more economical & faster than hand scrubbing operations. Further, it does not Corrode metals unlike other similar appli.part no:RXSOL-10-2010-21017)Fuel Oil Treat 20 Ltr-part no:RXSOL-70-7001-02018)Oil Paint Thinner (E)-part no:RXSOL-15-1013-02519)Oil Spill Absorbent Pad-part no:RXSOL-17-1014-10020)Cutting Oil-part no:RXSOL-16-1010-02521Spraying Unit for Oil Spill Dispersant-part no:RXSOL-17-1016-00122)BIOCleaner for OIL GREASE-part no:RXSOL-10-1717-02523)Condenser Coil Cleaner-It is a specially engineered condenser coil cleaner and brightener. this product is recommended for use in hotels, commercial complexes,
  • Delivery Detail :
  • Minimum Order Quantity: 5 Litre
  • Port of Dispatch: India per Middle East
  • Production Capacity: 10 Mt per Day
  • Delivery Time: 1
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